Casting Notice
Call for Submissions – Actors
Theatre Gargantua is developing a new Cycle of Work.
A Tonic for Desperate Times, is a work about hope and how it can be found in surprising places. (for info on the project see https://theatregargantua.ca/a-tonic-for-desperate-times-in-development/
The project is at its mid-point of creative development and will premiere in November 2021.
The company is seeking experienced performers who have interest in creating original contemporary work and are very strong actors, singers and movers. We are especially interested in seeing actors who are Indigenous, Black or Persons of Colour or representative of other diverse lived experiences. Theatre Gargantua develops work in an ensemble method, with all voices collaborating and participating. We value and desire a rich diversity of experiences and cultures. This particular work is being collectively written and developed.
Actors who play instruments are very desirable for this work but not mandatory. In a cover letter please indicate if / what instrument you play, and your level of proficiency. Please also indicate your vocal range.
The company will be doing auditions beginning the week of Aug. 9, please submit as soon as possible with final deadline Aug. 6th.
The contract dates are September 27 – November 21, 2021 under ITA cat. F.
The premiere of this work is anticipated to be presented to live audiences (pending COVID restrictions), but also may be filmed or live streamed. All filming/ live streaming will be contracted appropriately.
Please send submissions with subject line Tonic Auditions to jacquie@theatregargantua.ca
Theatre Gargantua values, desires, and seeks a rich diversity of experiences and cultures, and are committed to an inclusive workplace culture. This includes valuing diversity within our company, providing a safe work environment and fostering a culture of belonging. A diversity of voices/perspectives is critical to helping develop work that is relevant to the communities we serve. Theatre Gargantua encourages all applications from equity-seeking groups, including those who identify as Indigenous, Black, People of Colour, Transgender, Nonbinary, Queer, Disabled and intersections of those identities.
The deadline for submissions is Friday August 6, 2021